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Mondays with Marnie | Thanks Y'all!


Mondays with Marnie | Thanks Y'all!

Here we go. This is the week to give thanks. What are we thankful for? Gratitude is the new buzz word. Write down 10 things you are grateful for and boom, your life will be better. With age, I tend to notice things that I am grateful for much more often than when I was younger. In my 20’s and 30’s I was better at pointing out things that annoyed me. I have recently had the privilege of hanging out with a woman in her 80’s. She never complains. Instead, she points out the sheer goodness of everything and everyone. She delights in watching young children at a restaurant, notices the excellent service of a waiter and finds immense pleasure in a scoop of vanilla ice cream. She is my inspiration. I hope that each of you find yourself thankful for something or someone this week. Here is a list of a few of the things I will give thanks for on Thanksgiving and the days beyond.

1. I am thankful that you open this email in a sea of endless emails.
2. I am thankful that I come up with something to share with you each week, even when I think I have nothing to say.
3. My FAMILY. Damn, I have a good family.
4. Im thankful that I actually love my job. I can not imagine dreading every Monday morning. Life is too short.
5. Linen sheets and a Tempurpedic mattress. I am not sure that anyone loves their bed and sleep as much as I do!

This list could go on and on. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? I’d love to know. Shoot me a message.

As always, If you happen to be away from family or just don’t like yours, my door is wide open and you are welcome at my house on Thanksgiving. It may not be perfect, but it will definitely be fun!


Market Stats
Asking rents across the U.S. finally ended a non-stop growth streak in October, falling 0.1% month-over-month and marking the first monthly decline in two years. The small step down is reminiscent of a more “normal” rental market” according to Zillow.
Happening in Houston
TXU Energy presents Zoo Lights!
One of Houston’s favorite holiday light experiences is back at the Houston Zoo. This began on Thursday and will run through 1/8/23.
Tickets linked here!
Turkey Day Volunteer Oportunities
Houstonia Mag shared a list of 5 places that you can volunteer ahead of thanksgiving day:
The Alliance
City Wide Club
Operation Turkey
Meals on Wheels
Houston Food Bank
Currently I’m…… Loving the hardware from Wescover, especially these bronze cabinet pulls! Lots of their hardware is on sale right now, too!