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Mondays with Marnie | Easy, Killer!


Mondays with Marnie | Easy, Killer!

My first example of learning that applying more pressure can be less effective at getting the job done was at a dental office. I went in knowing that I didn’t just brush my teeth, I brushed the hell out of my teeth. I used firm pressure and covered every tooth at least 10 times. I was expecting a glowing review and to be told to come back in a year. It was when Dianne, the hygienist, was preparing to clean my teeth, that the questions began.

Diane: How often do you brush your teeth?

Me: 2 or 3 times a day.

Diane: Do you have gum sensitivity?

Me: Only in some spots but not really.

Diane: Are you still using a manual toothbrush? (gasp!)

I could tell by her tone of voice and facial expressions that she either didn’t believe me or I was doing it all wrong. She told me that I was applying way to much pressure when I brushed. She said that the bristles worked much better when light pressure was used. If you push too hard, the strongest and most effective portion of the bristles is pushed aside and can’t do their job. I’ve since noticed this theory apply to dish scrubbers, Clarisonic face cleaners and people. 

Hard pressure doesn’t do the job and takes twice as much energy. Put another way, it doesn’t work, period. A soft approach that touches with your most effective tools is easier and more likely to result in the results you are looking to get.

Unless you are water pressure, less is more.



We are approaching the 1 year mark of the start of stay-at-home orders… so crazy! With many people now working from home, the reduced cost of living has resulted in an

 increase in savings from paycheck to paycheck. This may be a contributing factor in the larger down payments that we are observing across the country. In December 2020, the average down payment at Better Mortgage was $93,000—up from $77,000 the previous March.


Thompson + Hansen sent out a great email with advice for tending to your plants post freeze. Here are their recs: 

1. Be Patient – Don’t head straight for the pruners, it takes several weeks for plants to show real damage.

2. Clean Out – If plants are mushy and slimy, remove this material to prevent fungal infection and disease. Once removed, cut down to the ground. 

3. Scratch Test– Check for life on wood-stem plants and perennials by scratching the stems. If you see green, your plant is still alive!

4. Hydrate – Continue watering your plants. While you may think your plant is dead, just water and wait! You may be pleasantly surprised! 

5. Florals – Go ahead and pull out any annuals but be patient with your Azaleas, Camellias, and Gardenias. There will not be blooms this spring, but they may recover to their full beauty next year! 


All things plumbing and water are still on my mind. From touchless to two-toned, you can check out a list of trends in New Kitchen Faucets for 2021 here!