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Mondays with Marnie | When Life Fractures: The Power of Patience in Healing


Mondays with Marnie | When Life Fractures: The Power of Patience in Healing

Recently, I fractured my elbow—a painful reminder of how life sometimes throws unexpected challenges our way. Thankfully, the break wasn’t severe, and I was relieved to hear from my doctor that the bones were in the correct position. No surgery was needed; all I had to do was wear a brace to limit movement and allow time to do its work.

This experience got me thinking about the fractures we encounter in life—not just physical, but emotional, relational, and professional. In moments of hardship, our first instinct is often to act. We want to fix the situation immediately, to take control, to do something. But sometimes, as I’ve learned from this injury, the best remedy is to pause and simply let things heal on their own.

But what if, like with my elbow, the bones are still in the right place? What if the structure is sound and just needs time to mend? Acting too quickly, without giving the situation time to settle, can sometimes cause more harm than good.

Just as my doctor advised me to wear a brace and avoid unnecessary movement, life sometimes calls us to brace ourselves and trust the healing process. Pausing doesn’t mean we’re ignoring the problem; it means we’re allowing time to align things naturally.

Whether it’s taking a break from a stressful work project, stepping back from a heated argument, or giving yourself space to recover from a personal setback, there’s immense value in letting things unfold without forcing a solution.

The Strength in Stillness

This experience with my elbow has reminded me of the strength that comes from stillness. There’s a quiet power in patience, in trusting that time and care will restore what’s been fractured. Whether it’s in our personal lives or our professional pursuits, knowing when to act—and when not to—can be the difference between healing and making things worse.

So, the next time you face a fracture in life, ask yourself: Do I really need to act, or is it better to wait and let things heal on their own? Sometimes, the bones are already in place. You just need to give them the time to mend.



Interiors by @marianlouisedesigns

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