Mondays with Marnie | Life is A...
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Mondays with Marnie | Life is A...


Mondays with Marnie | Life is A...


What’s the first word that pops into your mind at the end of that sentence? What is life to you? Is life a gift, blast, journey, rollercoaster, joy, dream, workout, or something else? I’ll be honest. If someone were to ask me last week to finish that sentence, I would have said, “Life is a grind.” I would be describing a life that consists of a series of tasks, people to please and/or care for and expenses that I am responsible for covering. It wouldn’t be in a negative tone. I would have answered with a matter of fact tone. It is what it is… Or, is it?

Last week, I began reading a book about finding our purpose in life. It was recommended by someone on the Compass Board of Directors. I took several notes as I listened to a call where he was interviewed by a Compass staff member. I scribbled down the name of the book and stumbled upon it while cleaning off my desk the next day. I have not gotten very far in the book, but one thing that hit me like a bat over the head, was a study showing that how you finish that sentence is how you will live your life. It is what you will gravitate towards, attract and experience. Even if you wish your life was different, you will most likely live as you see life now.

I tried an experiment. I began repeating the phrase, “Life is a gift.” I said it the moment my eyes opened in the mornings and multiple times throughout the day. I would replace a negative thought with that phrase. It has been less than a week and I swear my life feels more like a gift than a grind. I still have all of the responsibilities that made me end the sentence with “grind” but I began seeing them differently.

I’d love to know how you would finish that sentence. Don’t think too much. What is the first word that pops into your mind?

Life is a ……………

Have a great week!



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